In this paper we investigate the rotordynamics of a geared system with coupled lateral, torsional and axial vibrations, with a view toward understanding the severe vibration problems that occurred on a 28-MW turboset consisting of steam turbine, double helical gear and generator. The new dynamic model of the shaft line was based on the most accurate simulation of the static shaft lines, which are influenced by variable steam forces and load-dependent gear forces. The gear forces determine the static shaft position in the bearing shell. Each speed and load condition results in a new static bending line which defines the boundary condition for the dynamic vibration calculation of the coupled lateral, torsional and axial systems. Rigid disks and distributed springs were used for shaft line modeling. The tooth contact was modeled by distributed springs acting normally on the flank surfaces of both helices. A finite element method with distributed mass was used for lateral and torsional vibrations. It was coupled to a lumped mass model describing the axial vibrations. The forced vibrations due to unbalances and static transmission errors were calculated. The eigenvalue problem was solved by means of a stability analysis showing the special behavior of the coupled system examined. The calculation was successfully applied, and the source of the vibration problem could be located as being a gear-related transmission error. Several redesign proposals lead to a reliable and satisfactory vibrational behavior of the turboset.
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April 1999
Research Papers
Dynamic Gear Loads Due to Coupled Lateral, Torsional and Axial Vibrations in a Helical Geared System
S. H. Choi,
S. H. Choi
Turbo and Power Machinery Research Center, Seoul National Univ., Korea
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J. Glienicke,
J. Glienicke
Institut fu¨r Maschinenelemente und Fo¨rdertechnik, Technische Univ. Braunschweig, Germany
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D. C. Han,
D. C. Han
Department of Mechanical Design and Production Eng., Seoul National Univ., Korea
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K. Urlichs
K. Urlichs
ABB Turbinen Nu¨rnberg GmbH, Germany
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S. H. Choi
Turbo and Power Machinery Research Center, Seoul National Univ., Korea
J. Glienicke
Institut fu¨r Maschinenelemente und Fo¨rdertechnik, Technische Univ. Braunschweig, Germany
D. C. Han
Department of Mechanical Design and Production Eng., Seoul National Univ., Korea
K. Urlichs
ABB Turbinen Nu¨rnberg GmbH, Germany
J. Vib. Acoust. Apr 1999, 121(2): 141-148 (8 pages)
Published Online: April 1, 1999
Article history
June 1, 1998
February 26, 2008
Choi, S. H., Glienicke, J., Han, D. C., and Urlichs, K. (April 1, 1999). "Dynamic Gear Loads Due to Coupled Lateral, Torsional and Axial Vibrations in a Helical Geared System." ASME. J. Vib. Acoust. April 1999; 121(2): 141–148.
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