This paper aims to identify performance improvements in cooker-top gas burners for changes in its original geometry, with aspect ratios (ARs) ranging from 0.25 to 0.56 and from 0.28 to 0.64. It operates on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and five thermal power (TP) levels. Considering the large number of cooker-top burners currently being used, even slight improvements in thermal performance resulting from a better design and recommended operating condition will lead to a significant reduction of energy consumption and costs. Appropriate instrumentation was used to carry out the measurements and methodology applied was based on regulations from INMETRO (CONPET program for energy conversion efficiency in cook top and kilns), ABNT (Brazilian Technical Standards Normative) and ANP—National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas (NG) and Biofuels. The results allow subsidizing recommendations to minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) for residential use, providing also higher energy conversion efficiency and/or lower fuel consumption. Main conclusions are: (i) Smaller aspect ratios result in the same heating capacity and higher efficiency; (ii) higher aspect ratios (original burners) are fuel consuming and inefficient; (iii) operating conditions set on intermediate are lower fuel consumption without significant differences in temperature increases; (iv) Reynolds number lower than 500 provides higher efficiencies.
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December 2017
Technical Briefs
Performance Improvements in Cooker-Top Gas Burners for Small Aspect Ratio Changes
Robson L. Silva,
Robson L. Silva
Energy and Mechanical Engineering,
Grande Dourados Federal University,
Road MS-270 (Dourados-Itahum), km 12,
Mail Box 533,
Dourados, MS 79.804-970, Brazil
Grande Dourados Federal University,
Road MS-270 (Dourados-Itahum), km 12,
Mail Box 533,
Dourados, MS 79.804-970, Brazil
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Bruno V. Sant′Ana,
Bruno V. Sant′Ana
Energy and Mechanical Engineering,
Grande Dourados Federal University,
Road MS-270 (Dourados-Itahum), km 12,
Mail Box 533,
Dourados, MS 79.804-970, Brazil
Grande Dourados Federal University,
Road MS-270 (Dourados-Itahum), km 12,
Mail Box 533,
Dourados, MS 79.804-970, Brazil
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José R. Patelli, Jr.,
José R. Patelli, Jr.
Energy and Mechanical Engineering,
Grande Dourados Federal University,
Road MS-270 (Dourados-Itahum), km 12,
Mail Box 533,
Dourados, MS 79.804-970, Brazil
Grande Dourados Federal University,
Road MS-270 (Dourados-Itahum), km 12,
Mail Box 533,
Dourados, MS 79.804-970, Brazil
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Marcelo M. Vieira
Marcelo M. Vieira
Mechanical Engineering,
Mato Grosso Federal University,
Road MT-270 (Rondonópolis-Guiratinga), km 06,
Rondonópolis, MT, 78.735-901, Brazil
Mato Grosso Federal University,
Road MT-270 (Rondonópolis-Guiratinga), km 06,
Rondonópolis, MT, 78.735-901, Brazil
Search for other works by this author on:
Robson L. Silva
Energy and Mechanical Engineering,
Grande Dourados Federal University,
Road MS-270 (Dourados-Itahum), km 12,
Mail Box 533,
Dourados, MS 79.804-970, Brazil
Grande Dourados Federal University,
Road MS-270 (Dourados-Itahum), km 12,
Mail Box 533,
Dourados, MS 79.804-970, Brazil
Bruno V. Sant′Ana
Energy and Mechanical Engineering,
Grande Dourados Federal University,
Road MS-270 (Dourados-Itahum), km 12,
Mail Box 533,
Dourados, MS 79.804-970, Brazil
Grande Dourados Federal University,
Road MS-270 (Dourados-Itahum), km 12,
Mail Box 533,
Dourados, MS 79.804-970, Brazil
José R. Patelli, Jr.
Energy and Mechanical Engineering,
Grande Dourados Federal University,
Road MS-270 (Dourados-Itahum), km 12,
Mail Box 533,
Dourados, MS 79.804-970, Brazil
Grande Dourados Federal University,
Road MS-270 (Dourados-Itahum), km 12,
Mail Box 533,
Dourados, MS 79.804-970, Brazil
Marcelo M. Vieira
Mechanical Engineering,
Mato Grosso Federal University,
Road MT-270 (Rondonópolis-Guiratinga), km 06,
Rondonópolis, MT, 78.735-901, Brazil
Mato Grosso Federal University,
Road MT-270 (Rondonópolis-Guiratinga), km 06,
Rondonópolis, MT, 78.735-901, Brazil
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS. Manuscript received October 10, 2016; final manuscript received March 17, 2017; published online May 9, 2017. Assoc. Editor: Amir Jokar.
J. Thermal Sci. Eng. Appl. Dec 2017, 9(4): 044503 (6 pages)
Published Online: May 9, 2017
Article history
October 10, 2016
March 17, 2017
Silva, R. L., Sant′Ana, B. V., Patelli, J. R., Jr., and Vieira, M. M. (May 9, 2017). "Performance Improvements in Cooker-Top Gas Burners for Small Aspect Ratio Changes." ASME. J. Thermal Sci. Eng. Appl. December 2017; 9(4): 044503.
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