This paper describes a series of studies involving the use of “surrogate” methods for the determination of total organic halides, purgeable organic halides, and solvent-extractable organic halides in wastewater and solid wastes. A pyrolysis/microcoulometric system was used as the analytical detection device for all studies. Method performance data are presented for the various surrogate methods. The results obtained with the surrogate methods were compared to those obtained with compound-specific methods based on gas chromatography or combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The advantages and limitations of using the surrogate methods in place of more sophisticated procedures are discussed.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
Federal Register
, Vol. 44
, No. 233
, 29
, pp. 68672
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EPA Method 625
, Federal Register
, Vol. 44
, No. 233
, 03
, pp. 69540
EPA Method 613
, Federal Register
, Vol. 44
, No. 233
, 03
, pp. 69552
, J. A.
, Foerst
, D. L.
, McKee
, G. D.
, Quave
, S. A.
, and Budde
, W. L.
, “Trace Analyses for Wasterwaters
,” Environmental Science and Technology
0013-936X https://doi.org/10.1021/es00094a002, Vol. 15
, No. 12
, 12
, pp. 1426
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