A horizontal axis wind turbine with a ball-and-socket hub is disclosed. The hub enables horizontal axis turbines with two or more blades to teeter in response to wind shear gradients. Computer modeling was done using existing and modified fast code in order to compare the new hub design with existing designs. Results show that a three-bladed turbine with the ball-and-socket hub provides very significant reductions in out-of-plane bending loads applied to the main shaft in comparison to a three-bladed turbine with a rigid hub. Results also show that the new hub design provides significant reductions in the out-of-plane loads applied to the blades. A blade fatigue study using a rainflow counting of multi-axial torque contributions at the blade root was performed in order to assess the impact of these reductions, and results show that the three-bladed turbine equipped with a ball-and-socket, teetering hub provides for very significant reductions in lifetime blade damage in comparison to existing wind turbine designs due to a combination of factors. The first factor is that teetering largely eliminates the cyclic variations in out-of-plane torque on the blades that are observed with rigid hubs. Here, the fatigue study shows that the three-bladed wind turbine with a teetering hub provides for an approximate sixfold reduction in lifetime blade damage in comparison to a three-bladed turbine with a rigid hub. The second factor is that the addition of a third blade reduces the load on each blade by one-third. Here, the fatigue study shows that a three-bladed turbine with a teetering hub provides for an approximate fourfold reduction in lifetime blade damage in comparison to a two-bladed turbine with a teetering hub.
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June 2015
Description and Computer Modeling of a Ball-and-Socket Hub That Enables Teetering for Three-Bladed Wind Turbines
Arnold Ramsland
Arnold Ramsland
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Arnold Ramsland
Contributed by the Solar Energy Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF SOLAR ENERGY ENGINEERING: INCLUDING WIND ENERGY AND BUILDING ENERGY CONSERVATION. Manuscript received May 20, 2014; final manuscript received February 4, 2015; published online March 12, 2015. Assoc. Editor: Yves Gagnon.
J. Sol. Energy Eng. Jun 2015, 137(3): 031019 (12 pages)
Published Online: June 1, 2015
Article history
May 20, 2014
Revision Received:
February 4, 2015
March 12, 2015
Ramsland, A. (June 1, 2015). "Description and Computer Modeling of a Ball-and-Socket Hub That Enables Teetering for Three-Bladed Wind Turbines." ASME. J. Sol. Energy Eng. June 2015; 137(3): 031019. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4029813
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