Composite materials are increasingly used in various industrial applications because of their beneficial properties. This trend also includes pressure vessels and pipes, which are produced in growing numbers using these materials. As a result, the Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology (JPVT) has received a collection of papers related to composite structures. Considering such a trend, we found it timely and beneficial to the pressure vessels and piping industry to organize papers in JPVT as a special topic on “Application of Composite Materials to PVP Technology.” We expect composite materials to replace traditional metallic materials to a greater extent in various pressure vessel and piping applications, and hence, more composite related papers will be published in JPVT. This special topic is hoped to serve as a milestone in this process. We greatly appreciate the authors' contributions for this special topic section. In addition, we would like to acknowledge the many reviewers who have also made significant contributions to this publication.

The Design of Medical Devices Conference is presented by: The University of Minnesota's Medical Devices Center (part of the Institute for Engineering in Medicine), the College of Science and Engineering.

In Cooperation with: The University of Minnesota's Office of Business Relations.