In order to ensure the integrity of structures such as gas turbines and nuclear power plants, the materials used should have excellent toughness. Especially in the case of nuclear piping materials applied to leak before break (LBB) design, high toughness materials are used to meet the stringent fracture toughness criteria and integrity must be verified through static J–R curve testing using the compliance method, one of the measurement techniques for fracture toughness. The measured and estimated values for the crack extension length during the test should also match, within a certain tolerance. However, in the case of materials with high toughness, rotation of the specimen becomes significant, because the test is performed until the crack open displacement (COD) is relatively large to ensure sufficient crack extension. In this case, it is not easy to satisfy these conditions due to the rotational effect on the specimen. Even though ASTM E1820 suggests a method for correcting the crack length for the rotational effect on these specimens, it has been found that there are substantial differences for high toughness materials. To resolve this problem, a new crack length correction formula considering a large rotation effect is proposed. Through analysis of the data from J–R curve testing with this proposed method, it is confirmed that the accuracy of crack extension length estimation is improved compared to the existing method. The proposed method can well explain the variation of crack extension length due to rotation and is suitable as a correction equation for rotation of compact tension specimens.