In this technical brief, the authors compare the torque capacity of a magnetorheological (MR) fluid brake with a conventional frictional disk brake. In the development of the torque models for both brakes, a mathematical expression for the compared torque ratio is presented. For the frictional disk brake, constant pressure and constant wear theories are considered, while static torque of the MR fluid brake is considered for comparison purpose only. Throughout the analysis, the outer radius of the compared brakes is assumed to be the same to ensure similarity of size, while the inner radius is selected to achieve maximum values of braking torque for both brake designs. Reasonable values of design variables for each brake are obtained from references and adopted in this study for making comparisons between the two designs. In conclusion, it is shown that the torque capacity for a frictional disk brake is 10–18 times greater than the torque capacity for a MR fluid brake of similar size.
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April 2018
Technical Briefs
The Torque Capacity of a Magnetorheological Fluid Brake Compared to a Frictional Disk Brake
Salwan O. Waheed,
Salwan O. Waheed
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
University of Missouri,
Columbia, MO 65211
University of Missouri,
Columbia, MO 65211
Search for other works by this author on:
Noah D. Manring
Noah D. Manring
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
University of Missouri,
Columbia, MO 65211
University of Missouri,
Columbia, MO 65211
Search for other works by this author on:
Salwan O. Waheed
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
University of Missouri,
Columbia, MO 65211
University of Missouri,
Columbia, MO 65211
Noah D. Manring
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
University of Missouri,
Columbia, MO 65211
University of Missouri,
Columbia, MO 65211
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Mechanisms and Robotics Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN. Manuscript received November 29, 2017; final manuscript received January 24, 2018; published online February 27, 2018. Assoc. Editor: Massimo Callegari.
J. Mech. Des. Apr 2018, 140(4): 044501 (4 pages)
Published Online: February 27, 2018
Article history
November 29, 2017
January 24, 2018
Waheed, S. O., and Manring, N. D. (February 27, 2018). "The Torque Capacity of a Magnetorheological Fluid Brake Compared to a Frictional Disk Brake." ASME. J. Mech. Des. April 2018; 140(4): 044501.
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