Power skiving for internal gears has drawn increased industry attention in recent years because it has higher precision and productivity than gear shaping or broaching. Yet even though the commonly adopted conical skiving tool has better wear resistance than the cylindrical one, when known design methods are used, the tool geometry is still subject to profile errors. This paper therefore proposes a novel design method for the conical skiving tool and establishes a mathematical model of error-free flank faces. These faces are formed by conjugating the cutting edges on the rake faces—derived from a group of generating gears with progressively decreasing profile-shifted coefficients—with the work gear. A mathematical model of the work gear tooth surfaces produced by the cutting edges (over flank faces) of tool at different resharpened depths is then adopted to examine the tooth surface deviations produced with their theoretical equivalents. The results verify the correctness of the mathematical models.
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April 2018
A Novel Method for Producing a Conical Skiving Tool With Error-Free Flank Faces for Internal Gear Manufacture
Yi-Pei Shih,
Yi-Pei Shih
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
National Taiwan University of
Science and Technology,
No. 43, Section 4, Keelung Road,
Taipei 106, Taiwan
e-mail: shihyipei@mail.ntust.edu.tw
National Taiwan University of
Science and Technology,
No. 43, Section 4, Keelung Road,
Taipei 106, Taiwan
e-mail: shihyipei@mail.ntust.edu.tw
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Yun-Jun Li
Yun-Jun Li
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
National Taiwan University of
Science and Technology,
No. 43, Section 4, Keelung Road,
Taipei 106, Taiwan
National Taiwan University of
Science and Technology,
No. 43, Section 4, Keelung Road,
Taipei 106, Taiwan
Search for other works by this author on:
Yi-Pei Shih
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
National Taiwan University of
Science and Technology,
No. 43, Section 4, Keelung Road,
Taipei 106, Taiwan
e-mail: shihyipei@mail.ntust.edu.tw
National Taiwan University of
Science and Technology,
No. 43, Section 4, Keelung Road,
Taipei 106, Taiwan
e-mail: shihyipei@mail.ntust.edu.tw
Yun-Jun Li
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
National Taiwan University of
Science and Technology,
No. 43, Section 4, Keelung Road,
Taipei 106, Taiwan
National Taiwan University of
Science and Technology,
No. 43, Section 4, Keelung Road,
Taipei 106, Taiwan
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Power Transmission and Gearing Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN. Manuscript received July 8, 2017; final manuscript received November 6, 2017; published online February 27, 2018. Assoc. Editor: Qi Fan.
J. Mech. Des. Apr 2018, 140(4): 043302 (9 pages)
Published Online: February 27, 2018
Article history
July 8, 2017
November 6, 2017
Shih, Y., and Li, Y. (February 27, 2018). "A Novel Method for Producing a Conical Skiving Tool With Error-Free Flank Faces for Internal Gear Manufacture." ASME. J. Mech. Des. April 2018; 140(4): 043302. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4038567
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