This paper designs and analyses a class of single-axis translational flexure guiding mechanisms for linear actuators. The proposed flexure mechanisms have symmetrical configurations to eliminate parasitic motion for better precision and can provide large stiffness in the constraint directions and low stiffness in the actuation direction. Each flexure linear mechanism is composed of identical wire beams uniformly distributed in two planes (perpendicular to the actuation direction) with the minimal number of over-constraints. Analytical (symbolic) models are derived to quickly reflect effects of different parameters on performance characteristics of the flexure mechanism, enabling dimensional synthesis of different types of mechanisms. An optimal, compact, and symmetrical, flexure linear mechanism design is finally presented and prototyped with focused discussions on its primary motion.
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January 2017
Determinate Design and Analytical Analysis of a Class of Symmetrical Flexure Guiding Mechanisms for Linear Actuators
Guangbo Hao
Guangbo Hao
School of Engineering-Electrical and
Electronic Engineering,
University College Cork,
Cork, Ireland
School of Engineering-Electrical and
Electronic Engineering,
University College Cork,
Cork, Ireland
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Guangbo Hao
School of Engineering-Electrical and
Electronic Engineering,
University College Cork,
Cork, Ireland
School of Engineering-Electrical and
Electronic Engineering,
University College Cork,
Cork, Ireland
Contributed by the Mechanisms and Robotics Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN. Manuscript received March 5, 2016; final manuscript received August 15, 2016; published online October 5, 2016. Assoc. Editor: Oscar Altuzarra.
J. Mech. Des. Jan 2017, 139(1): 012301 (12 pages)
Published Online: October 5, 2016
Article history
March 5, 2016
August 15, 2016
Hao, G. (October 5, 2016). "Determinate Design and Analytical Analysis of a Class of Symmetrical Flexure Guiding Mechanisms for Linear Actuators." ASME. J. Mech. Des. January 2017; 139(1): 012301.
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