Shape memory alloy (SMA) hybrid composites with adaptive-stiffening or morphing functions are simulated using finite element analysis. The composite structure is a laminated fiber-polymer composite beam with embedded SMA ribbons at various positions with respect to the neutral axis of the beam. Adaptive stiffening or morphing is activated via selective resistance heating of the SMA ribbons or uniform thermal loads on the beam. The thermomechanical behavior of these composites was simulated in ABAQUS using user-defined SMA elements. The examples demonstrate the usefulness of the methods for the design and simulation of SMA hybrid composites.
beams (structures),
composite materials,
shape memory effects,
finite element analysis,
thermomechanical treatment,
shape memory alloys,
finite element analysis,
post-buckling control,
shape control,
deflection control,
adaptive stiffening,
constitutive modeling,
user element
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