Vibration assisted nano impact-machining by loose abrasives (VANILA) is a novel nanomachining process that combines the principles of vibration-assisted abrasive machining, and tip-based nanomachining, to perform target specific nano abrasive machining of hard and brittle materials. An atomic force microscope (AFM) is used as a platform in this process wherein, nano abrasives, injected in slurry between the workpiece and the vibrating AFM probe, impact the workpiece and cause nanoscale material removal. The objective of this study is to develop a mathematical model to determine the material removal rate (MRR) in the VANILA process. The experimental machining results reveal that the material removal happens primarily in ductile mode due to repeated deformation which happens at near normal angles of impact. A predictive model for MRR during the VANILA process is analytically developed based on elastoplastic impact theory for normal angles of impact. The model is validated through a series of experiments performed on silicon and borosilicate glass substrates and the results confirm that the model is capable of predicting the machining results within 10% deviation.
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April 2015
Modeling of Material Removal Rate in Vibration Assisted Nano Impact-Machining by Loose Abrasives
Sagil James,
Sagil James
Department of Mechanical
and Materials Engineering,
and Materials Engineering,
University of Cincinnati
,Cincinnati, OH 45221
Search for other works by this author on:
Murali M. Sundaram
Murali M. Sundaram
Department of Mechanical
and Materials Engineering,
and Materials Engineering,
University of Cincinnati
,Cincinnati, OH 45221
1Corresponding author.
Search for other works by this author on:
Sagil James
Department of Mechanical
and Materials Engineering,
and Materials Engineering,
University of Cincinnati
,Cincinnati, OH 45221
Murali M. Sundaram
Department of Mechanical
and Materials Engineering,
and Materials Engineering,
University of Cincinnati
,Cincinnati, OH 45221
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Manufacturing Engineering Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. Manuscript received May 15, 2014; final manuscript received July 30, 2014; published online December 12, 2014. Assoc. Editor: Z. J. Pei.
J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. Apr 2015, 137(2): 021008 (6 pages)
Published Online: April 1, 2015
Article history
May 15, 2014
Revision Received:
July 30, 2014
December 12, 2014
James, S., and Sundaram, M. M. (April 1, 2015). "Modeling of Material Removal Rate in Vibration Assisted Nano Impact-Machining by Loose Abrasives." ASME. J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. April 2015; 137(2): 021008.
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