In this work, we present approximate and exact solutions for the temperature profile and Nusselt number under fully developed laminar flow of a power law fluid inside pipes and between parallel plates. Constant wall temperature and negligible axial heat conduction are considered, for both the cases with and without viscous dissipation. For completeness, the corresponding solutions for the related problem of constant heat flux at the wall are also presented. In the absence of viscous dissipation, the solutions obtained are semi-analytic, since they rely upon an iterative procedure. As a benchmark result, to allow comparison with the results obtained with the semi-analytical expressions, we also present highly accurate numerical solutions for the Nusselt number, Nu, based on numerical integration of the energy equation. Also based on these numerical results, simplified correlations for Nu are proposed, valid for a wide range of the power law index.
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Heat Transfer in Fully Developed Laminar Flow of Power Law Fluids
A. Baptista,
A. Baptista
Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica,
Faculdade de Engenharia da
Faculdade de Engenharia da
Universidade do Porto
,Rua Dr. Roberto Frias
,Porto 4200-465
, Portugal
Search for other works by this author on:
M. A. Alves,
M. A. Alves
Departamento de Engenharia Química,
Faculdade de Engenharia da
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias,
Departamento de Engenharia Química,
Faculdade de Engenharia da
Universidade do Porto
,Rua Dr. Roberto Frias,
Porto 4200-465
, Portugal
Search for other works by this author on:
P. M. Coelho
P. M. Coelho
CEFT, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica,
Faculdade de Engenharia da
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias,
Faculdade de Engenharia da
Universidade do Porto
,Rua Dr. Roberto Frias,
Porto 4200-465
, Portugal
1Corresponding author.
Search for other works by this author on:
A. Baptista
Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica,
Faculdade de Engenharia da
Faculdade de Engenharia da
Universidade do Porto
,Rua Dr. Roberto Frias
,Porto 4200-465
, Portugal
M. A. Alves
Departamento de Engenharia Química,
Faculdade de Engenharia da
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias,
Departamento de Engenharia Química,
Faculdade de Engenharia da
Universidade do Porto
,Rua Dr. Roberto Frias,
Porto 4200-465
, Portugal
P. M. Coelho
CEFT, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica,
Faculdade de Engenharia da
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias,
Faculdade de Engenharia da
Universidade do Porto
,Rua Dr. Roberto Frias,
Porto 4200-465
, Portugal
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER. Manuscript received April 19, 2013; final manuscript received September 17, 2013; published online January 9, 2014. Assoc. Editor: Giulio Lorenzini.
J. Heat Transfer. Apr 2014, 136(4): 041702 (8 pages)
Published Online: January 9, 2014
Article history
April 19, 2013
Revision Received:
September 17, 2013
Baptista, A., Alves, M. A., and Coelho, P. M. (January 9, 2014). "Heat Transfer in Fully Developed Laminar Flow of Power Law Fluids." ASME. J. Heat Transfer. April 2014; 136(4): 041702.
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