Optical fibers are typically drawn from silica preforms, which usually consist of two concentric cylinders called the core and the cladding, heated in a high-temperature furnace. For optical communication purposes, the core always has a higher refractive index than the cladding to obtain total internal reflection. In order to investigate the effect of this core–cladding structure on optical fiber drawing, a numerical model has been developed in this work. Axisymmetric flows of a double-layer glass and aiding purge gas in a concentric cylindrical furnace are considered. The thermal and momentum transport in both glass layers and gas are coupled at the interface boundaries. The neck-down profile is generated using an iterative numerical scheme. The zonal method is applied to model the radiation transfer in the glass preform. The gas is taken as nonparticipating. Coordinate transformations are used to convert the resulting complex domains into cylindrical regions. The stream function, vorticity, and energy equations for the core, the cladding, and the purge gas are solved by finite difference methods, using a false transient approach coupled with the alternating direction implicit method. A second-order differencing scheme is used for discretization. The numerical results are validated by comparing with results available in the literature. The effects of changes in the refractive index and absorption coefficient due to doping on fiber drawing are investigated. This problem has received very little attention in the literature, particularly with respect to modeling, and this paper presents an initial study of the underlying transport.
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Research Papers
Numerical Simulation of Transport in Optical Fiber Drawing with Core–Cladding Structure
Chunming Chen,
Chunming Chen
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
, New Brunswick, NJ 08903
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Yogesh Jaluria
Yogesh Jaluria
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
e-mail: jaluria@jove.rutgers.edu
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
, New Brunswick, NJ 08903
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Chunming Chen
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
, New Brunswick, NJ 08903
Yogesh Jaluria
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
, New Brunswick, NJ 08903e-mail: jaluria@jove.rutgers.edu
J. Heat Transfer. Apr 2007, 129(4): 559-567 (9 pages)
Published Online: September 24, 2006
Article history
March 28, 2006
September 24, 2006
Chen, C., and Jaluria, Y. (September 24, 2006). "Numerical Simulation of Transport in Optical Fiber Drawing with Core–Cladding Structure." ASME. J. Heat Transfer. April 2007; 129(4): 559–567. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.2709968
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