The use of open-cell metal foam in contemporary technologies is increasing rapidly. Certain simplifying assumptions for the combined conduction∕convection heat transfer analysis in metal foam have not been exploited. Solving the complete, and coupled, fluid flow and heat transfer governing equations numerically is time consuming. A simplified analytical model for the heat transfer in open-cell metal foam cooled by a low-conductivity fluid is presented. The model assumes local thermal equilibrium between the solid and fluid phases in the foam, and neglects the conduction in the fluid. The local thermal equilibrium assumption is supported by previous studies performed by other workers. The velocity profile in the foam is taken as non-Darcean slug flow. An approximate solution for the temperature profile in the foam is obtained using a similarity transform. The solution for the temperature profile is represented by the error function, which decays in what looks like an exponential fashion as the distance from the heat base increases. The model along with the simplifying assumptions were verified by direct experiment using air and several aluminum foam samples heated from below, for a range of Reynolds numbers and pore densities. The foam samples were either 5.08- or -thick in the flow direction. Reasonably good agreement was found between the analytical and the experimental results for a considerable range of Reynolds numbers, with the agreement being generally better for higher Reynolds numbers, and for foam with higher surface area density.
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Research Papers: Special Issue On Boiling And Interfacial Phenomena
Heat Transfer Analysis in Metal Foams With Low-Conductivity Fluids
Nihad Dukhan,
Nihad Dukhan
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Detroit Mercy
, 4001 W. McNichols Rd., Detroit, MI 48221
Search for other works by this author on:
Rubén Picón-Feliciano,
Rubén Picón-Feliciano
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez
, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico 00681
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Ángel R. Álvarez-Hernández
Ángel R. Álvarez-Hernández
NASA Johnson Space Center
, Houston, TX 77058
Search for other works by this author on:
Nihad Dukhan
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Detroit Mercy
, 4001 W. McNichols Rd., Detroit, MI 48221e-mail:
Rubén Picón-Feliciano
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez
, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico 00681
Ángel R. Álvarez-Hernández
NASA Johnson Space Center
, Houston, TX 77058J. Heat Transfer. Aug 2006, 128(8): 784-792 (9 pages)
Published Online: February 6, 2006
Article history
May 8, 2005
February 6, 2006
Dukhan, N., Picón-Feliciano, R., and Álvarez-Hernández, Á. R. (February 6, 2006). "Heat Transfer Analysis in Metal Foams With Low-Conductivity Fluids." ASME. J. Heat Transfer. August 2006; 128(8): 784–792.
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