
Flapping-wing micro air vehicles (FWMAVs) are an emerging technology inspired by flying insects that show promise in applications favoring maneuverability and vehicle compactness. However, current designs are limited by inefficient energetics, and current dynamical models of the flight system employ limiting assumptions when considering power demands. Here, we derive a system-level model of the insect flight system including the thorax, wing and wing hinge that can inform insect-inspired FWMAV design. We apply the model to study the flight system of a hawkmoth, and use a genetic algorithm optimization to tune uncertain model parameters to minimize the power required to hover. Results show that performance is improved by utilizing multimodal excitation to produce favorable flapping kinematics. This is achieved by locating the flapping frequency of the moth between the nonlinear resonant frequencies, resulting in magnified flapping response and aerodynamically-advantageous phase. The optimal flapping frequency can be predicted from the system?s underlying linear natural frequencies and is roughly 54% of the system?s mean natural frequency. Furthermore, effective solutions are configured so that the timing of the applied load and thorax responses are matched such that little effort is spent reversing the wing stroke. The optimized model parameters and corresponding kinematics show moderate agreement with those reported for the hawkmoth. To maintain hovering flight, the successful moths in the population expend approximately 58.5W/kg. The system-level model and the governing principles identified here can inform the design of energy efficient FWMAVs moving forward.

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