This is a numerical investigation of the steady flow produced by an infinite rotating disk when the second-order fluid at infinity is in a state of solid rotation. The flow field is determined when the fluid at infinity is rotating in the same sense as that of the disk. The use of this viscometric representation limits the result to weakly viscoelastic fluids. The numerical computations obtained indicate that the question of increased or decreased total (radial plus tangential) wall stresses due to the presence of elasticity depends on the flow parameter S(S > 1 or S < 1, indicate that the fluid at infinity having a faster or slower angular velocity compared with that of the disk). We found that the total wall stress is higher or lower when compared with a Newtonian fluid depending on S > 1 or S < 1, respectively. With increasing |α| (as the fluid becomes more non-Newtonian), the total wall stress is increased or decreased when S < 1 or S > 1.

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